Mysql stored procedure check if value is null

Posted: blackwizard Date: 18.06.2017

Wondering how to use stored procedures with PHP and MySQL? First we need to setup our enviroment which consists of a new database with one table and two stored procedures. After you create the new database, make sure to add a user called example with password example to the database and give it read access. Before we create the stored procedures, lets put some dummy data in the users table.

To do that just run the following query:. If you understand the sql above, skip this section. The first script we ran to create a database is pretty self explanitory.

The table will consist of three fields: The insert script will create two users: When looking at the code for the first stored procedure, drop procedure works the same way as dropping a table.

First you want to check if the stored procedure is there and deleted before you recreate it. Create does just that, create the stored procedure in the database. IN means when this stored procedure is called, this variable should be passed with a value. OUT means after the stored procedure executes, it will set the OUT variables with a value that can then be retrieved. The blulk of the code for the stored procedure goes in the BEGIN to END block.

The other thing happening here is the two OUT variables are getting the values retrieved from the select statement. When that stored procedure is executed it will return a recordset instead of variables. Now that we have our environment set, we are ready to start our tests. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you may be using mysqlmysqlior PDO.

I tried this and in fact it does work. So in the end, it seems all of these can work with stored procedures just as well. Get the PHP code file: MySQLmysqlipdoPHPspstored proceduretutorial. This entry was posted on January 27, You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

I would like to know how to fix this problem PROCEDURE test. MySQL Stored Procedures with PHP Ryan Forry Consulting. S on May 11, - 5: Thanks for the great information. For that to happen, do there have to be no parameters at all, or will it work if there are no OUT parameters, just IN parameters?

I got it working. The answer is yes, with no OUT parameters and only IN parameters, it will return a result set with multiple rows. Great Joey Rivera, Thank you very much dude!!!! You did great job……… Since from long time I was looking for Stored Procedure in PHP. I searched lots of sites and no site could gave me help…but you have done it……… Really great effort…. You have given great blessings to PHP programmers…. Againg very very very thank you…….

Sumit Joshi, sumitjoshi themacrosoft. Am transiting from Oracle to MySQL so am very accustomed to the way Oracle works. And thus am a bit confused about this. In oracle these stored procedures exist in the DB and we just throw a call for them. Is it that in MySQL as well they are stored in the DB? And if it is so then we are supposed to compile these stored procedures just once before we start using them. If it is so when and where do we compile them? Or is it that these stored procedures are cabaret money makes be compiled everytime they are called?

Rachit, stored procedures in MySQL are also stored on the database. You create them once and execute when needed. Here are a couple great resources with more information:. Stored Procedures and Function FAQ: The code is not giving me desired output. Could someone help me out in resolving the issue. My recommendation would be to make sure the stored procedure is working on the database first.

I use MySQL query browser but you can try the command prompt if you are comfortable with it. Are you getting this? I am using MySQL and php.

How I can get multi results from storeprocedure with in and out parameters????? I was impress how fast you responded for my request. I play a lot stock market analyst salary india this problem. I am not PHP or MySQL guru.

I am more familiar with SQL Store Procedures. Looks like sometning Is missing if I try get result from SP that have IN parameters and OUT parameters.

This is my code: Add couple users with same name: Create SP with IN and OUT parameters: How get all records in this situation???? Could somebody help me resolve this issue?? Thanks for such useful document. It clear my doubts regarding stored procedure. How we can determine that how to make money in gt5 ps3 of stored procedure mysql stored procedure check if value is null execution time of web page?

And one more thing I frankfurt stock exchange market capitalisation to know does it good to give load on mysql instead of php?

I like having the db take care of itself and have the least amount of queries in my code. For my projects I always use caching. Once the stored procedure is optimized and runs great — you can use explain to check your queries http: If the data changes, then I clear the cache file and query the sp again.

I also — in my development environment, print out all the queries I run per page, how long each query took, and how long each page took to execute. Connecting to the db was the slowest part. I use a method in the ZF to display this information but you can get it from the basic mysql class in php as well.

The page load time is simply a starttime before anything gets called and then an endtime when the page is done and I show the difference. Your second question is whether to do more heavy lifting in code or in the database. I tend to run a couple extra queries in my stored procedures to validate data and error check instead of relying on the data coming from the code. I validate in code as well, but I want my database to work as a standalone and not rely on an outside source.

mysql stored procedure check if value is null

Hi Joey, May I request for a tutorial for using zend framework. I myself read two books on the zend framework before I felt comfortable enough to use for real projects. Now I find it easy to use and understand how it works but it took some playing around to get there. I started by doing their quick start first to get a general idea of how it works:. Now every time I work with zend, I keep their reference guide open in another window to check methods, properties, examples, etc quickly:.

I seem to have trouble mapping my parameter values into the stored procedure input params, and was wondering can you spot anything. You can try binding params using a prepare statement:. You could also escape each variable individually and pass the variables to your query.

But your code seems correct. With mysql extension You will be unable to execute stored procedure returning record set twice or more.

This because of calling to stored procedures treated as multi result set query and you need to tell mysql to give you next result. Solution is using mysqli extension, and mysqli functions or object methods: Hello Joey, Thanks for your tutorials.

How to check if a variable is NULL, then set it with a MySQL stored procedure? - Stack Overflow

I hope you can help me with my problem. I have a stored procedure: When I call this procedure from mysql command line I receive all rows from cursor. But when I call this procedure from PHP-script I receive only one row the first row from cursor.

This is my PHP-script:. How I can receive all rows from stored procedure? Maybe I do some mistakes?

Hello Joey, I think you should write a book. Your explanations on matters that arises are wonderful. My Server machine is slow now as much people are query the Database. I actually like the idea of writing a blog post on caching. Thank you for your blog, your site has been the only one that has provided me with any success whatsoever.

My test case and example has been driving me crazy therefore I figured it may be time for me to reach out for some assistance. You can access this temporary page demonstrating the above pages that I have published by accessing the http: Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks again for your willingness to help others.

It seems that depending on what mysql driver you are using you can get the number by checking your phpinfo and looking for client api under mysql I believe you may not be able to get the out variables back.

Maybe post an example. Are you getting an error message? Does you example work in a MySQL tool and not in PHP?

MySQL :: In Stored Procedure, how to check if variable is NULL?

This helps me a lot! I want to control the result by in html, may i know how to convert the result to string? Arclite theme by digitalnature powered by WordPress. Entries RSS and Comments RSS TOP. Joey Rivera Blogging about PHP, Zend Framework, and other interests. Home About Joey Rivera Contact Info. Hi Joey Rivera, Lots of thanks for your helpful document. That fixed it for me: Hey Joey, thanks a lot for the awesome tutorial, best regards. Hello…thanks for the info.

It helps a lot to me… God bless. Againg very very very thank you…… Sumit Joshi, sumitjoshi themacrosoft. Hi Joey, Am transiting from Oracle to MySQL so am very accustomed to the way Oracle works.

Here are a couple great resources with more information: I am getting the following output: Dear Joey Rivera, Thanks for such useful document. I started by doing their quick start first to get a general idea of how it works: You can try binding params using a prepare statement: Hey Hossam, actually you can.

Here is a post talking more about that topic in detail: This is my PHP-script: Excuse for my English. Hi Joey, Thank you for your blog, your site has been the only one that has provided me with any success whatsoever.

A modification to your PHP page to display the results of your Stored Procedure Call: Hi Joey Rivera Thanks for your nice blog post. Arclite theme by digitalnature powered by WordPress Entries RSS and Comments RSS TOP.

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