Gta stock market airline

Posted: LeShifr Date: 02.07.2017

Apparently it's possible to become a billionaire, but most people do it through judicious use of Lester's assassination missions. Unfortunately a lot of people will be like me; finishing the game before looking at any tips, tricks or guides. So how can I now take each character's final money and turn it into more? I've read theories about manipulating the LCN exchange the market tied to your single player game by damaging rival companies so their competitor's stock rises or the target's stock falls.

For example, CoolBeans vs BeanMachine or Burgershot vs Up-An-Atom. The theory goes that if you blow up a bunch of FlyUS airplanes, AirEmu's stock will rise or at least, FlyUS's stock will plummet. But as far as I can tell, these are only rumours and nobody has actually been able to make any money doing it. There's also obviously the BAWSAQ, which are, in theory, tied to fluctuations in both GTAV and GTA Online across everyone's game. I haven't had much luck trying to destroy assets to affect stock prices either.

But here's what's been working for me so far.

It's not a guaranteed quick-billion but over time you'll get there. The stock price for Debonaire consistently fluctuates between around 4.

Since the price is so low, that tiny change is actually a significant percentage. There's probably something better out there. But at least it's something reliable to do until someone finds that better thing. But only 19 times to afford the golf course. I've taken the rather unusual step of answering my own question by building a website to help myself and other players become billionaires in GTAV using the BAWSAQ stock exchange currently only PS3 and XBox, unfortunately -- but hopefully PS4 and XBoxOne, later.

Then I used my site to make them all billionaires. It's pretty simple, but it will take a little patience. Basically, go to my site: Look for any stock that has a notable Estimated Buying Return it will be flagged in the column. You will be pretty much guaranteed a huge return. When you find a stock that looks promising, go into the game and SAVE. Then put all each of your character's money into that stock, and then save into a DIFFERENT save file.

This will allow you to go back to your first save, should anything go wrong. It can be a bit glitchy when trying to put ALL your money into a stock.

GTA 5 Cheats: Making money with the stock market

Just double check that it's definitely left your character's account, and if it hasn't, try a slightly lower amount. Then, remembering what you bought the stock for, keep checking at stock page on my site, and when it's gotten close to the height it's reached over the past three months, log into the game and sell everything.

Like you, I didn't know all of the stock manipulating tricks until after I completed the game. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have started over. Not because there is nothing to spend the money on but because I have found a reliable method to accrue money after finishing the main story.

Why would I need that much money? The zombie apocalypse of course Anyway, almost all of this was accumulated in the same manner. Although it is claimed that the BAWSAQ exchange is based on the activities of online players, I don't believe it.

If you watch the bawsaq exchange long enough, you will see fairly predictable trends in certain penny stocks. You will notice that certain stocks drop substantially for a few days and then rebound.

I've also found that designating save games slots for different point in the trading process come in handy for those times when you were wrong about a stock. I got tired of typing my original reply, but I had a good night's sleep and my morning coffee, so I'll add a few tips:.

gta stock market airline

Stick to BAWSAQ, it is much more volatile in the short term, which is what you want in this case. Snap photos with your phone real, not in game of stock prices on a daily basis for a week or so. It really helps with identifying trends. Don't pay any attention to the 5 hour highs and lows. Finally, I noticed that although certain stocks tend to follow a pattern, that doesn't seem to be the case in the long run. They seem to go up and down over the course of a month or so and then the pattern changes.

For this and other reasons, save often and save with different mixes of stocks. At some point, it isn't fun anymore. Trying to move 50 billion between stocks when the limit per transaction is 2. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Becoming a billionaire in GTA V not GTA Online.

So how can I turn my characters in GTAV not GTA Online into billionaires? The "invest in Debonaire" answer below does NOT WORK. Django Reinhardt 1, 7 29 Destroying PostOP vans never safely increased GoPostal's stocks, sometimes those even worsened instead. Good thing I made use of the handy Quicksave feature.

You can get an extra couple of million by doing the Epsilon side-missions.

Grand Theft Auto V Stock Market: How To Make Easy Money

I know, that's a long way off the amount you need, but it's not to be sniffed at. I built a website to answer my own question: I'll start monitoring their stock to see if it's the same for me. DjangoReinhardt It may very well be. I'll update with more solid data as I continue to do this, though my play time may be dropping off soon as I focus more on GTA Online.

If you try this and find anything more concrete feel free to edit in the details! Wait Debonaire stock price is in the LCN for me. Have they updated the market, or am I looking in the wrong place?

Stock Market - GTA 5 Wiki Guide - IGN

This answer is no longer valid. This simply does not work. Do not invest in Debonaire I've taken the rather unusual step of answering my own question by building a website to help myself and other players become billionaires in GTAV using the BAWSAQ stock exchange currently only PS3 and XBox, unfortunately -- but hopefully PS4 and XBoxOne, later.

Do this two times and everyone should be a billionaire. The API the site relies on appears to be broken at the moment. I'll investigate fixing it.

I got tired of typing my original reply, but I had a good night's sleep and my morning coffee, so I'll add a few tips: Kyle 69 1 2. I think you've cracked it. I will test and post back!

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