How to earn money from viral videos

Posted: bodja_84 Date: 18.07.2017

Sometime in the past decade, the idea of making a viral video and becoming rich from it began to feel like a bona fide career path. The examples of viral video stars who turned into household names are starting to add up: Justin Bieber was discovered by record executives after posting homemade videos of himself singing on the video sharing site YouTube. Actor Lucas Cruikshank, 19, gained fame after his viral videos of the character Fred Figglehorn gained popularity among the younger set, catapulting him to regular spots in TV movies and sitcoms on the network Nickelodeon.

Annoying Orange was just one video on YouTube until its popularity convinced creator Dane Boedigheimer to make more; now, it's not just a Web series but a TV series on the Cartoon Network and a video game.

How People Make Big Bucks off Viral Videos - ABC News

Meanwhile, at least one university Northwestern has offered a course on viral videos. But making one isn't as easy as filming a cat playing the piano. That means that while everyone wants a video to go viral, an infinitesimal number actually do. Trouble is, there isn't a secret formula to it," says Robb Hecht, an adjunct marketing professor at Baruch College in New York City. Still, if you're considering the idea of creating a viral video and trying to make money from it, here's what you need to know.

Your equipment needn't be expensive. All you need is a video camera even if it's installed on your cell phonesomething to shoot and a way to upload it to the Internet.

how to earn money from viral videos

Given the odds against a video going viral and being seen by millions of people around the world, spending a ridiculous amount of money to make a viral video would be ridiculous.

But if you have some money to spend on production, spend it on lights and microphones, suggests Jay Miletsky, CEO of New York City-based Sequel Media Group, which publishes a variety of online video and editorial content. Make your video for fun, not money.

You'll make your money through the website hosting your video usually YouTube, but not alwaysand through revenue generated from Google's AdSense. Both YouTube and Google are notoriously secretive about the details of how their profit-sharing works with video how to earn money from viral videos, but Mike Vogel, video producer, app creator and forex trading svenska offers 247 binary option trading 60 seconds insight on his blog.

Of course, that's just one person's experience, and one commenter on Vogel's blog speculates that if the three-second video had been longer, his earnings may have been slightly higher.

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You may not become rich, but you might be able to how to earn money from viral videos your income. He has shot around 60 videos 11 are now hidden; 49 are posted on YouTube. The way he is going, Kron will never live off his video income scottrade option costs he graduates, but he is OK with that.

Why You Should Launch a Side Gig Now. InAdam Schleichkorn made a second video called "Fence Plowing," in which he hurled himself through a wooden fence.

Cashing In on Your Hit YouTube Video - The New York Times

He became one of the first video creators to be accepted into YouTube's Partner Program, in which producers receive a cut of the profits from the todays exchange rate euro to australian dollar revenue their videos generate.

But as YouTube began recruiting more corporate top-tier production talent, Schleichkorn says making a living as a mid-level producer became more difficult. After three stock trader stories of creating videos, he had to stop doing it full time.

He now is a freelance video editor and videographer and runs the website HiddenTrackTV. He may not have gotten rich off viral quick money making runescape 2016, but viral videos have certainly informed his career.

Nothing happens without the content. Miletsky suggests keeping your videos short "More than half of viewers drop off after the second minute," he saysand while episodic Web shows work well, you should be able to watch one without having to watch all the others.

But what should the video be about? Something universal that touches all of us, Hecht suggests. The video, he adds, "may express some fear, overcoming hardship, being bullied, watching something grow, laughing intensely. But it should be a snapshot video of a moment that we've all experienced and perhaps previously thought we were experiencing alone. Many successful viral videos thus actually are popular because they - aside from perhaps being put to catchy music - help people self-identify with others, ideally through laughter.

Keep your expectations in check. You may not become rich from producing viral videos, but you may still be able to make a career out of it. Make These 50 Smart Money Moves Now. But Miletsky doesn't spend all day filming videos of cute hamsters; most of his day, he's in talks with advertisers or is looking to partner with other companies or buy them, or he is dealing with the day-to-day challenges of running a business that produces educational and informational videos on topics like food and fashion.

Being interviewed by Matt Lauer may not be a realistic career goal, "but if you want to create video content that is shareable to more than your immediate audience, like you get it out to 5, people, and some of them share it, that might be viral enough for your needs to generate some revenue. And if you take that approach, then, yes, you can make a good living.

how to earn money from viral videos

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